Tank’s Green Stuff is a locally produced organic compost product made from landscape trimmings (green waste) that would otherwise go to the landfill. For information on dropping off your landscape trimmings and debris CLICK HERE. Our compost is made at our Ina Road Land Reclamation Facility using the most stringent criteria to ensure quality, purity, and consistency. Tank’s Green Stuff 100% organic soil amendment contains no fertilizers or petro-chemical additives. At Tank’s we test for vital nutrients, pathogens, and heavy metals to make sure our compost is the best and highest quality available (see more below). All Tank’s Green Stuff products are available in 1-cubic-yard totes, bulk, or bags and WE DELIVER! There is no limit to quantity that we will deliver and we offer quantity discounts.
For questions about any Tank’s Green Stuff products, send an email to info@TanksGreenStuff.com, or call 520-290-2796

Offer many locally produced garden and landscape materials
We create custom soil mixes by collaborating with customers
We find ways to minimize the amount of material that makes its way into the landfills by creating value-added products
Recycle your green landscape trimmings and debris by bringing it to Tank’s
To see organic compost lab test results that meet the Seal of Testing Assurance Program Standards by the US Composting Council, CLICK HERE. Tank’s is tested on a monthly basis.
To see additional lab results testing for herbicides/pesticide residues, CLICK HERE. This is elective, proactive testing performed by Tank’s to demonstrate the complete and total decomposition of any potential contaminant from green landscape debris feedstock. (Please ask a Tank’s representative if you have questions about this process.)
To review an independent analysis of Tank’s Organic Compost by a Certified Crop Advisor, click here.
To see lab test results for native, screened soil from Tank’s, CLICK HERE.
To learn from the US Composting Council about the benefits of and how to use compost, CLICK HERE.