TANK'S Super Pro Planting Mix
AVAILABLE IN: 1.5 cu ft bags & bulk
The Tank's Super Pro-Planting Mix is truly *SUPER*. This mix builds upon the same formula as Pro Planting Mix but replaces the starter fertilizer with our SuperMix Organic Fertilizer. Super Pro Planting Mix does not contain any screened native soil, so it has a lighter feel and increased moisture retention.
The Super Pro Planting Mix is made with 100% OMRI Listed Organic ingredients. Primed with the 16 natural and organic “super” ingredients found in our fertilizer, this mix is bound to grow some delicious veggies.
This product comes ready-to-plant. Make sure to hydrate the soil fully and let drain before planting.
For best results we recommend regular applications of our SuperMix Organic Fertilizer and Agrigro™ Ultra Prebiotic Fertilizer.
INGREDIENTS: Tank’s Organic Compost, Decomposed Pine, Perlite, Cocochip, Cocopeat, Tank’s SuperMix Organic Fertilizer.