PRO TIP: Make sure the soil is fully hydrated as you fill beds/containers. The Arizona weather evaporates moisture quickly. CLICK HERE to watch a short clip of properly hydrated soil.
INGREDIENTS: Compost, perlite, decomposed pine, coco chip, coco peat, screened native soil, cottonseed-meal fertilizer
TANK'S Pro Planting Mix
Tank's Pro-Planting Mix is specifically designed for raised bed gardens. One of our most popular blends, the Pro Planting Mix comes ready-to-plant with a starter fertilizer designed to provide your plants with nutrients to get started.
The Pro Planting Mix contains perlite to increase aeration and drainage, which makes for easy watering and healthy roots. Cocochip and Cocopeat help to make sure the soil stays moist for as long as possible between waterings. Coconut coir products are long lasting (up to 5 years) and provide a sustainable alternative to peat moss. Unlike peat moss, coco coir can be rehydrated again and again.
We recommend that you soak the soil during installation (low and slow irrigation works best) to ensure the soil is fully hydrated. Maintaining soil moisture will prevent the soil from compacting and promote the establishment of beneficial microbiology in the soil.
For best results we recommend regular applications of our SuperMix Organic Fertilizer and Agrigro™ Ultra Prebiotic Fertilizer.
Happy planting!