Tanks Green Stuff
TANK'S-Pro Potting Mix 100% Organic "Coco- Soil"

AVAILABLE IN: 1.5 cu ft bags & bulk
Tank’s OMRI Listed Pro Potting Mix 100% Organic "Coco-Soil" is designed so you can worry less about a tight watering schedule, and more about enjoying your container garden.
With only three ingredients, this “Coco Soil” cuts straight to the point.
1. CocoPeat adds powerful water retention qualities (it can absorb 10 to 20 times its dry weight in water!), while maintaining a perfect growing medium for beneficial soil microbiology.
2. Perlite provides ample drainage that allows for quick watering and good aeration.
3. Last but not least, Tank’s Organic Compost provides long-term nutrient availability within the soil, and acts as the “glue” that holds these components together.
Tank’s Pro Potting Mix is ideal for any container size.
INGREDIENTS: Tank’s Organic Compost, Perlite, Prococo Coco Peat
¡Pro Potting Mix de Tank’s es para que pueda preocuparse menos por un horario de riego ajustado y más por disfrutar de su jardín de contenedores!
Con solo tres ingredientes, este "Coco Soil" va directo al grano:
CocoPeat agrega poderosas cualidades de retención de agua (¡puede absorber de 10 a 20 veces su peso seco en agua!), Mientras mantiene un medio de cultivo perfecto para la microbiología beneficiosa del suelo.