INGREDIENTS: Prococo Chips (coconut coir), Horticultural Pumice, and Tank’s 100% Organic Compost.
Approximately 800 lbs per cu-yard

TANK'S-Pro Cactus & Succulent Mix
Available in: 1.5 cu ft, 16 qt, and 8 qt bags & bulk
Tank’s Pro Cactus and Succulent Mix is ideal for cacti, succulents, adeniums, or any species that enjoys a fast-draining soil.
This mix focuses on high porosity to reduce the chance of root rot and mitigates the effects of over-watering.
Great for all sizes of containers, in-ground use may vary depending on plant variety.
Tank’s Pro Cactus and Succulent Mix was designed with the input of Tucson’s best cacti growers, and is used at the Tucson Botanical Garden and Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix.

*Tank’s Pro Cactus Mix and Succulent Mix es la mezcla ideal para cactus, suculentas, adenios o cualquier otra especie que disfrute de una tierra con buen drenaje.
Excelente para emplearse en macetas o contenedores de cualquier tamaño. Si desea plantar directamente en el suelo su uso variara dependiendo del tipo de planta.